Monday, January 31, 2005


BABES had another get-together. This time, we met at Verosew's house. Attendees were moi, Lenore (not on PR yet ... how can this be?), Georgene, Verosews, Jennifer in SF, and Irene.

Verosews has a very nice house. Her husband and children were just leaving as Lenore and I arrived. She has a beautiful family. As he was running out the door, her little boy stopped, turned around to hug Verosews, and said, in the sweetest little voice, "I love you, Mommy." It was just precious.

We had a fun time, talking, sharing, eating chocolate, fruit, and brownies. The time went by too fast.

Sorry about the crummy pictures. I was too excited to take good ones.

Verosews' Bar-b-que
I thought the bar-b-que was beautiful
and wanted to share it with my husband.


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