A little sewing
I spend a little time on DD's tops and skirts this weekend. I'm binding the neck opening in both and armholes in the tank. I had enough premade single fold bias tape to do both neck openings. I really didn't care for that application. The seam allowance on the neck is 5/8 inch and the "seam allowance" on the binding is a scant 1/4 inch. I had a hard time keeping them lined up correctly.
I made bias tape for the armhole. I've put a lot of French bias tape on quilts. However, on these tops, I don't want the bias tape to show from the front. That means, the tape needs to be 2/3s the width of the French bias tape. Did I remember that? NO!, so I have this really wide piece of tape in one armhole. I'm thinking of just turning it under to make it narrow.
The gathering for the skirt went very well. Strictly speaking, I gave up gathering a few years ago when I bought my ruffler foot. I highly recommend one for anyone who is making lots of gathered items like little girl dresses or home dec stuff.
Finally, I used the last of the blue slinky to cut out a tank top for Goosey Girl. I asked Goosey if she wanted a tank top or skirt, and she said tank top.
We went to the fireworks last night. My little GooseyGirl is afraid of the fireworks. She did just fine last year. She was very excited to go, but when the booming started, she got scared. She wanted to sit in my lap, which was fine until BaloneyBoy decided he needed to be in my lap. There's nothing like trying to balance a 4 year old on one knee and a 1.5 year old, who is almost as big as the 4 year old, on the other knee, especially when the slightly smaller one starts to beat on the 4 year old because he wants to nurse. (sigh) BaloneyBoy was not impressed by the fireworks. He thought it was time to nurse and go to sleep.
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